It's...the OwlHenryBlog!

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San Francisco, CA, United States
Welcome to my blog! This is where I post my latest work - illustration (I), graphic design (GD), photos (P), videos (V), writing (W) - as well as stuff I like by other people (OPP- "otha people's pictures"). Check back often for updates, and to show you care.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Max (W)

Another day, another writing contest. This one got me first place in my group. The prompt (genre - location - theme) was "love story - pet store - common courtesy." Enjoy!


    The scorpion was gone. Well, he wasn’t gone, he was somewhere in the world. Somewhere in Max’s shop, most likely. But he was not in his terrarium, where he was supposed to be. Max had looked. Carefully. He’d used a trash grabber to lift out the branch with its flourish of desiccated leaves. With his arm so fully extended it was painful, he’d taken out the wooden half dome shelter, holding his breath the entire time. Nothing. Well, a perfect rectangle of sand. The heat lamp. Nothing poisonous. Nothing with clicking pincers or chitinous plates or surprisingly thoughtful eye beads...

To read the rest, click here.

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